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AF | BCMR | CY2014 | BC 2014 03102
Original file (BC 2014 03102.txt) Auto-classification: Denied





He receive a 10 percent increase in retirement pay for award of 
the Airmen’s Medal.


In Accordance With (IAW) AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 
consideration for the additional 10 percent increase in his 
retirement pay was not made at the time of the award, or at the 
time of retirement.  

In support of his request, the applicant provides a copy of his DD 
Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty; AF 
Form 2243, Airman’s Medal; a citation, special order and an 
excerpt from AFI 36-3203. 

The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at 
Exhibit A.


On 1 Jun 06, the applicant retired from the Air Force in the grade 
of technical sergeant having served 21 years, 7 months and 7 days 
of total active service.  


AFPC/DPSID recommends the Secretary of the Air Force Personnel 
Council (SAFPC) (SAF/MRBP) review and advise whether the 
applicant’s award of the Airman’s Medal for heroism on 1 Jul 
98 qualifies for consideration of an additional 10 percent 
increase in retirement pay as it cannot be conclusively determined 
if he was in fact considered upon approval of the decoration.

IAW AFI 36-3203, dated 8 Sep 06, since 1979, enlisted members who 
have been awarded the Silver Star or the Distinguished Flying 
Cross for heroism in a noncombat action, or the Airman’s Medal 
have been automatically considered for the additional 10 percent 
retired pay increase.  If they were approved for the additional 
10 percent increase in retirement pay, their special order 
approving the decoration would include a statement to the fact.  
Absence of a statement on the special order authorizing the 
additional 10 percent of retirement pay may indicate that it was 
not approved by the SAFPC.  If the member believes consideration 
was not made at the time the medal was awarded, he may ask for a 
Secretarial decision.

The applicant was awarded the Airman’s Medal for heroism on 1 Jul 
98, per Department of the Air Force Special Order GB-448 dated 
2 Jun 99.  However, DPSID was unable to verify award of the 
additional 10 percent increase in retirement pay.  

The policy in place in 1979 was to consider enlisted members for 
the additional 10 percent and to only place on the special order 
if the additional 10 percent was granted.  Since Special Order GB-
448 does not reflect approval/disapproval of the additional 
10 percent it cannot be confidently assumed that the applicant was 
considered at the time of award and denied.  

The complete DPSID evaluation is at Exhibit C.

SAF/MRBP agrees with the position of AFPC/DPSID indicating that 
the omission of the additional 10 percent on the applicant’s 
Special Order GB-448, dated 2 Jun 89, leaves some uncertainty as 
to whether it was considered at the time of approval of the 
Airman’s Medal.  In order for SAFPC to consider the additional 
10 percent increase in retirement pay, the applicant will need to 
provide the complete package that was considered at the time of 
the award of the Airman’s Medal IAW AFI 36-3203, to include one or 
more of the following:  Fire reports, police reports, newspaper 
articles, safety reports, and/or witness statements.  The only 
document the applicant provides that gives any substantive 
information is the citation and that does not provide sufficient 
information to consider the 10 percent increase in retirement pay 
he is requesting.  

The complete MRBP evaluation, with attachments, is at Exhibit D.

AFPC/DPSOR recommends denial.  On 2 Jun 89, SAFPC considered the 
applicant for an additional 10 percent increase in retired pay in 
connection with the act of heroism that warranted the Airman’s 
Medal.  There is no special order on file specifying the Secretary 
of the Air Force authorized an additional 10 percent in retirement 
pay.  There are no annotations or documentation where we can 
assume awarding the 10 percent pay increase is warranted.  Absence 
of a statement on the special order authorizing the additional 
10 percent in retirement pay may indicate that it was not approved 
by SAFPC.  Close control in the granting of retired pay for 
extraordinary heroism is in consonance with the applicable law and 
is in no way intended to detract from the importance of individual 

The complete DPSOR evaluation is at Exhibit E.


Copies of the Air Force evaluations were forwarded to the 
applicant on 30 Apr 15, for review and comment within 30 days 
(Exhibit F).  As of this date, no response has been received by 
this office.


1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 
law or regulations.

2.  The application was not timely filed; however, it is in the 
interest of justice to excuse the failure to timely file.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to 
demonstrate the existence of an error or injustice.  After a 
thorough review of the evidence of record and the applicant’s 
complete submission, we agree with the opinions and 
recommendations of the Air Force offices of primary responsibility 
and adopt the rationale expressed as the basis for our conclusion 
that the applicant has failed to sustain his burden of proof that 
he has been the victim of an error on injustice.  Should the 
applicant provide the information noted by SAF/MRBP, we would be 
willing to reconsider his request.  In the absence of evidence to 
the contrary, we find no basis to recommend granting the relief 
sought in this application.


The applicant be notified the evidence presented did not 
demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; the 
application was denied without a personal appearance; and the 
application will only be reconsidered upon the submission of newly 
discovered relevant evidence not considered with this application.

The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket Number 
BC-2014-03102 in Executive Session on 9 Jun 15, under the 
provisions of AFI 36-2603:

	Panel Chair

The following documentary evidence pertaining to AFBCMR Docket 
Number BC-2014-03102 was considered:

	Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 11 Jul 14, w/atchs.
	Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
	Exhibit C.  Letter, AFPC/DPSID, dated 24 Nov 14.
	Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBP, undated.
	Exhibit E.  Letter, AFPC/DPSOR, dated 2 Feb 15.
	Exhibit F.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 30 Apr 15.

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